Technology seems to advance faster than our ability to master it, all too often leaving us with questions when seeking to get things done online. That is why, in this digitalised world, we must learn to identify roadmarks and signs that help us operate safely on the web.

“A mí también me pasa” (It also happens to me) is a podcast available in iVoox and Spotify that wants to help you identify situations that seem safe at first sight, but which may not be: How many passwords do you have? How long has it been since you updated them? Have you ever given someone your bank details by phone? Do you have antivirus software on your cell phone? Do you accept all cookies?

Journalist Gemma Nierga and technology expert Antoni Noguera bring us real stories related to all the technological challenges we all face every day. Over the different episodes, we will learn how to act to avoid risks and not fall for any type of fraud. Because this is something which affects us all: to Gemma, to Toni, to you, a “It also happens to me”.

Listen to them at:


  • Episode 1: A new message

You've surely received a text message or an email that for some reason struck you as odd. In this podcast, we'll tell you what the signs are to know that a message is fraudulent. We don't want you to hesitate any longer about whether to click or not.

  • Episode 2: Tell me your password and I'll tell you who you are

Username and password: this is the gateway to your entire digital world. How many services are you subscribed to? With how many passwords? In this podcast we will give you some tips on how to find passwords that are easy to remember while also being infallible against possible hacks.

  • Episode 3: Unexpected calls

You get a call from an unknown number. They say they are from the bank. So far, everything seems normal. The problem comes when we are asked to validate our card or bank account. STOP RIGHT THERE! Here you should begin to be suspicious. If you want to know how to detect this kind of fraudulent calls in time, just listen to this podcast.

  • Episode 4: Secure shopping online

To buy or not to buy, that is the question. How many times have you hesitated before typing your card number into a website? Sometimes a great deal is just too good to be true. In this podcast, we learn how to pick up the magnifying glass and see what distinguishes a real page from a fake one so you don't fall for fraud.

  • Chapter 5: My mobile and me

Do you realise that your phone is, after all, a small computer? Do you protect it in the same way? Do you have antivirus software on your mobile? Even if it seems so, your mobile is no safer than your computer - so you should never lower your guard when banking using your phone.

  • Chapter 6: My data is mine

We click "accept" and "download" automatically, almost never reading the terms and conditions. Most services are free, but we pay for them with our data. It's up to us not to give it away. In this chapter, we offer tips to improve your privacy.

  • Chapter 7: The digital graduation

Young people spend the most time in front of a screen. The false sense of control they sometimes have over the technological world leads them to be unaware of the risks. This complacency is particularly serious when these young people enter the world of online finance. In this chapter, we give you the keys to a successful digital graduation.