Data treatment

Personal data processing

The responsible party and purposes of data processing

The data you provide us with will be incorporated into files, under the responsibility of Caixabank, S.A., hereinafter "CaixaBank", to be handled with the purpose of following the process for meeting your request, assisted over the phone or with a video agent, and completing the form generated, where relevant. This data will also be processed to meet the regulatory obligations required from CaixaBank, prevent fraud and guarantee security, both in terms of your data and of our networks and systems.
The data provided is required for managing the request.

Contact details of the data protection officer:

Data communication

Your data may be communicated to public authorities and bodies to comply with legal obligations, and to any service providers and third parties needed to manage the request.

Data storage period

This data will be processed to manage the request. In any case, once 30 days have elapsed since such data was provided, it will no longer be processed and will be erased. CaixaBank will store the data - as indicated by law - throughout the limitation period, for the sole purposes of complying with the legal obligations required, and to elaborate, carry out and defend against claims.

Exercising rights and claims with the data protection authority

You can exercise your rights regarding personal data, in accordance with applicable regulations, by following this link or directly from the CaixaBank app, by accessing the General Menu > Settings > Exercising rights. Furthermore, you can address any claims derived from the processing of your personal data to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (