You can register in just 3 steps

  1. Welcome Letter and details of an invoice

    Fill out the following application form with the welcome letter code (see example) and the details of an invoice of your client paid by Confirming.

  2. Details of your company and access code

    Details will be requested relating to your company as well as the access code (PIN) that you will later use to gain access. Important: the PIN must be made up of four digits and you must remember it since it will not be shown.

  3. End of process for registration

    The process for registering with Confirming has been completed. Now we will provide you with a username that together with the access code (PIN) that you chose in the registration process you will be able to consult and advance your invoices.

When you click on "Accede to CaixaBankNow digital banking" the identification screen will appear, where you must enter your identifying number and access code to be able to consult and process your invoices in advance.

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